Have you ever wanted to be able to do pullups? They are certainly a true bench mark of strength! Well, this week I have a challenge for those brave enough to accept. I want you to work toward the goal of being able to complete at least 1 strict wide grip pull-up or to improve your pull-ups if you can already complete 1. Here is the challenge:

Get a doorway pull-up bar at your house and a long loop exercise band. Here is the one that I love: Doorway Pull Up and Chin Up Bar . You can also check out cheaper ones on Amazon, but this is the one that I personally find to work well. I like that you can place it high or low and use it for under bar pullups with your feet on the floor.
Each day attempt to do an unassisted pull-up - no swinging, no kipping, just straight, dead hang pull up. If you can already do a pull-up do as many strict as possible and record the number.
Use some assistance. Grab your band and loop it over the bar for assistance, ask your friend to support your feet, move the bar down low so you can have your feet on the ground do whatever you need to be able to complete 10 assisted pull-ups.
Immediately wrap the exercise band over the pull-up bar and do 25 lat pulldowns with the band really focusing on your back and the movement. You might need to kneel or bend your knees to complete these.
Rest for 2-3 mins then attempt those free pull-ups again. If you can already do a pull-up do as many strict as possible and record the number.
Each time you pass by that pull-up bar, jump on and try a few.
Do this 7-14 days in a row and see if you improve your pull # and/or strength.